Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your personal and non-personal information has highest level of importance for us. Gaming Empire 3D may  hold the authority of changing our privacy policy anytime without notifying you. If you are under 18, you must get your parents’ permission before you provide the personal information to us. By installing our apps, you agree to this privacy policy and how your data is being collected. Please review our policy frequently to keep yourself updated with the changes.

Which information we collect?

  • Non Personal Information: Non personal is the information that does not directly identifies you. This information collected comprises of user behaviour, technical information, version of the browser, geo-location, language, resolution, and kinds of operating system.
  • Personal Information: Such information can disclose the identity of the person and may consist of information of private nature. IP address is automatically gathered from users of the App/Game for the purpose of improving the user experience.

Any information collected from you is with approval. Your acceptance to TOU and privacy policy allows us to gather information. Moreover, consent dialogue from within the App/Game needs to be approved by you for us to collect information.

We may also collect following information

  • IP address; Country code;
  • IDFAs, IDFVs, Advertising IDs;
  • Language; Locale (specific location where a given language is spoken);
  • Time zone, session start/stop time,
  • Network status (WiFi, etc.), browser plug-in types and versions;
  • User agent string (UA), platform, SDK version, timestamp;
  • All apps installed;
  • Technical device information (e.g. device model and name, operating system name and version, CPU information, storage size, screen size, firmware, software, mobile phone carrier, Internet service provider, API key identifier for application, International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) on Android, Android ID, Android Serial No).

Collection of Information can be done automatically and programmatically

  1. While you browse our website
  2. While you play our App/Game
  3. When you contact us through Email/Facebook and/or other types of Support

Purpose of Information Collection

  • Non Personal Information is used for R&D purposes and for enhancement and improvement of our Site/App/Game
  • Personal Information is used for the purpose to reply to your concerns on different support channels
  • Personal Information like Location/IP is used for contextual advertisement which means we show you ads according to your likings
  • We use the information we collect about you/your device to deliver services to you and to operate our business. Such use by us and by our Partners may include:

Delivering Our Services: We may use the information for the improvement of our products and to present you with your maximum interest while we understand your needs and trends.

Displaying Advertisements: Showing advertisements in our App/Game in best of your interest.

Analytics and Research: Gathering information about our user base can help us in understanding the trends and potential problems in our apps and games. This is also a way of testing our new game features.

Use and Disclosure of Information: We do not share of disclose of information to others otherwise than for the purpose of providing goods and services. The only exception to this is if the information of personal nature is required by law enforcement authorities or similar organizations. It may be necessary for the information to be disclosed to other organizations in the course of our provision of services. We direct all such organizations to maintain the confidentiality of the information disclosed to them

Your Information may be used for following Purposes:

  • Provide goods and services
  • Respond to your Queries
  • Sending Newsletters
  • Any functionality you requested

You may also opt out of receiving such materials at any time

We may provide aggregated information to third parties for the purposes of developing and providing targeted ads. We will not share your personal information with such third parties without your consent. The information required to be provided will vary depending on the circumstances requiring disclosure of that information.

Any personal information submitted to us online, including via the software and/or services, may need to be processed by a third party. You consent is important to the disclosure of that third party who may be located overseas.

Below are provider names of some of the third party analytics and advertising services we use. Please see the links below to learn more about the privacy policy of our third-party service providers.

  • AppLovin:
  • Admob:
  • Unity Ads:
  • Firebase:
    Facebook ads:

Advertising: You may be offered advertising content if you are using our App/Game. Ad networks may use cookies, beacons, tracking pixels and other technologies that are placed within the ads. This information may be used to deliver advertising and content according the Users interests, to better understand how the Services are used by the Users and to analyze and track data. Depending on your device’s operating system, you may be able to select to prevent your device’s ad identifier being used for advertising or reset your device’s ad identifier by changing the settings of your device.

Transfer of Information Overseas: You agree that we may transfer and store your information on servers and equipment located in any territory, including, without limitation, Australia and the United States of America etc.

Security: Gaming Empire 3D take decent measures to preserve the information collected from you. To prevent unauthorized access, theft, alteration and loss we have put in place satisfactory physical and electronic methods to protect the collected information.

Links to Other Websites/Apps/Games: Our game may contain links from where users will enter other websites. Gaming Empire 3D will not be held responsible for any linked websites with privacy of any information. Those linked websites are provided as a benefit to you. You must look at the privacy statement applicable to the website.

Minors: The Site/App/Game is purposeful for the age of thirteen. Therefore, we do not intend to collect personal information from minors. We hold the right to ask for the proof of age at any stage to make sure that minors are not using the Site/App/Game.

OptOut: If you are in Europe our Apps/Games will ask for consent for collecting information if you with to OptOpt you need not to give us consent or simply don’t use our Apps/Games. We are fully GDPR compliant.

Deletion of Information: Information when not needed will be deleted by us and we will also make sure that information when not required is deleted by our 3rd Party Partners. If you wish to delete your information you can send us request to delete your information. We will need some additional information from you to delete your information. Send us your queries regarding deletion of your information and in case you have any questions at